
Dale Gerrans

Conscious Leadership Coach & Business Consultant


Dale Gerrans

Leadership is more than a lifestyle, it is a consciousness.

Mastering Self-Leadership is the key to creating the life you choose to live.



Values &




Vision &


"Shift Vibration & Shift Dimension"

The name Shift Vibration & Dimension came about because, the intention behind the coaching and consulting I do is to: raise consciousness. We are moving into a time when making a difference in the lives of others and paying forward is the only way to live a fulfilled life. 

I believe that conscious leaders in business have the power and resources to make the biggest difference, pay forward, and create "safe space", where people feel they belong and add real value.

When you are clear on your Vision and why you do what you do, you employ conscious people that are inspired by your vision and choose to be part of the team that creates the vision. 

Inspire & Empower Conscious Leaders.

Create an environment  teams THRIVE in. 

Who would benefit from Coaching?

Are you creating the life you choose to live?

Do you know what your top values are? Are you living them?

Do you have a clear vision of the life/company you would like to create?

Is something holding you back? Keeping you stuck where you are now?

Are you being innovative and creative in your thinking and actions?

Are you on a journey of self-development and personal growth?

Do you know you have the potential for so much more? Is fear holding you back?

If the answer to any of the above is NO, then you probably have a belief or negative experience, which created negative emotions, that is holding you back. Are you ready to let go and THRIVE?

Are you ready to create the life you choose to live?

What can Coaching do for YOU?

You will learn to be more conscious and present.

Self acceptance and self confidence will come easily.

You will become more creative and innovative.

Your visions will have clarity, which inspires you to take action.

Let go of your negative, sabotaging beliefs and emotions.

Allows you to create the life you choose to live.

You feel happy, appreciative and peaceful often.

You become solution minded, having a knowingness about what will work. 

The effect you have on the people around you will make a difference in their lives.

If you are committed to moving forward and letting go of what no longer serves you, then coaching is for YOU.